Thursday, March 21, 2019

final feedback and evaluation

this is evidence to prove that I have done everything on my blog at the moment

I believe that the blog so far has gone well, in my opinion the embedded game post and the post with YouTube videos because I enjoyed playing the games and finding on for my blog and I liked finding some of my favourite YouTube videos

I don't think that my digital graphics post was that good because the layout is a mess and there isn't much information on the post

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

embedded game

this a embedded game

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

this was made using adobe photoshop and gif
the original image was sourced from the internet but all
edits to the original image was done by me. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

game photography

gaming photography

health and safety in multimedia

electrical safety

electrical safety procedures  usually consist of  keeping weirs behind computers and out the way of people so they don't trip on them, most wires are kept in a plastic tube that runs along the wall so it will keep out the way of people 
gif from internet

temperature safety 

the minimal temperature for a room is 16c and the max temperature is 24c. it the power goes out, people are sent out to check the temperature of the rooms.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

embedded audio

final feedback and evaluation

this is evidence to prove that I have done everything on my blog at the moment I believe that the blog so far has gone well, in my opini...