Wednesday, November 21, 2018

embedded audio

Thursday, November 15, 2018

what i wold like my blog to look like

after seeing so many different types of blogs I have seen good blog layouts and bad blog layout but there is a couple of blog that I wold like my blog to look like

for example:

this wold be a good layout to have as it has easy to find information and it is a nice and sleek looking blog

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

the purpose of my blog

the purpose of my blogs is to show and share the work I do and create on my course 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

thing to consider when making a blog post

easy to find information, if the information on your blog post isn't easy to find people are not going to enjoy there stay on your blog.

all links work, if you have links on your blog and they don't work you are not providing valid information and people are likely not going to come back to one of your blogs.

good layout, balance between text, ads and pictures, if you don't have a good balance of text, ads and pictures the blog could be overwhelming and could hurt the eyes to look at.

relevant, the text and images in you're blog isn't relevant to the blog post it will confuse people and people are likely to leave your blog and find someone else.

good blog:

terrible blog:

interactive elements


drop down menu:
image from mbro webpage

text entry and passwords:

image from facebook
hot spot and target areas:

There are lots of software that can be used to make interactive media. If it is written in html, any word processing software could be used. However, the industry standard for writing and making interactive elemnts on line is called Dream weaver

final feedback and evaluation

this is evidence to prove that I have done everything on my blog at the moment I believe that the blog so far has gone well, in my opini...